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Building a Bulletproof User Interview Script

Learn how to create a user interview script that uncovers valuable insights with precision and ease.

Ah, user interviews — the bread and butter of understanding your users' needs, frustrations, and dreams. But let’s be honest: interviewing users can sometimes feel like herding cats. Without a solid plan, it's easy to end up with a heap of vague, unstructured feedback. That’s where a bulletproof user interview script comes into play.

Why You Need a Script

A well-crafted script is like a GPS for your interview. It ensures you stay on track, ask the right questions, and, most importantly, dig deep enough to unearth the insights that will drive your product forward. Plus, it helps you avoid the dreaded awkward silence.

The Anatomy of a Great Script

So, what does a bulletproof user interview script look like? Here’s a breakdown:

1. Introduction

Start with a warm welcome. Introduce yourself and your role, and explain the purpose of the interview. Set the tone by letting the interviewee know their feedback is invaluable and will help shape the product.


Hi, I'm Alex from Eververse. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us today. We're looking to understand your experience with our product better, and your insights will be incredibly valuable in helping us improve it.

2. Contextual Questions

Ease into the conversation with some background questions. These should help you understand the user's context, such as their role, how they use your product, and any relevant experiences.


Can you tell me a little about your role and how you use Eververse in your daily work?

3. Core Questions

Now, dive into the meat of the interview. These questions should be open-ended to encourage detailed responses. Focus on specific aspects of the user experience, pain points, and desires.


What are the main challenges you face when using Eververse?

4. Follow-Up Questions

Be prepared to probe deeper based on their responses. Follow-up questions are essential to uncover the "why" behind their answers.


You mentioned that tracking feedback is a challenge. Can you elaborate on what makes it difficult?

5. Solution-Oriented Questions

Transition to questions about potential solutions and improvements. This is your chance to gauge user interest in new features or changes.


If we could add a feature to help you prioritize your backlog more effectively, what would that look like?

6. Closing Questions

Wrap up with a few final questions to gather any last bits of feedback and thank the interviewee for their time.


Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience with Eververse? Any other pain points or suggestions?

Tips for a Smooth Interview

  • Stay Flexible: While having a script is crucial, don't be afraid to deviate if the conversation takes an interesting turn.
  • Listen Actively: Show that you're genuinely interested in their feedback. Nod, make eye contact, and avoid interrupting.
  • Record the Interview: With permission, record the session so you can focus on the conversation and review the details later.
  • Take Notes: Jot down key points and quotes that stand out. These will be gold when you analyze the feedback.

Putting It All Together

Crafting a bulletproof user interview script takes a bit of effort upfront, but the payoff is worth it. You’ll end up with richer, more actionable insights that can significantly influence your product’s direction.

Remember, the goal is to understand your users deeply. With a solid script in hand, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the complex terrain of user feedback and come out the other side with clear, impactful insights.

Happy interviewing!

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